Workshop description
W35: Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change (NRAC'13)
Organizers: Jianmin Ji (University of Science and Technology of China), Hannes Strass (Leipzig University), Xun Wang (University of Technology, Sydney)
Short description:
The biennial Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change (NRAC) is an established workshop with an active and loyal community. Since its inception in 1995, it has always been held in conjunction with IJCAI, each time with growing success. We invite submissions of research papers for presentation at NRAC 2013, a one-day workshop to be held in Beijing, China as part of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13) workshop program. An intelligent agent exploring a rich, dynamic world needs cognitive capabilities in addition to basic functionalities for perception and reaction. The abilities to reason nonmonotonically, to reason about actions and to change one's beliefs, have been identified as fundamental high-level cognitive functions necessary for common sense. Research in all three areas has made significant progress during the last two decades of the past century. It is, however, crucial to bear in mind the common goal of designing intelligent agents. Researchers should be aware of advances in all three fields since often advances in one field can be translated into advances in another. Many deep relationships have already been established. This workshop has the specific aim of promoting cross-fertilization. The interaction fostered by the biannual NRAC workshops has helped to facilitate solutions to the frame problem, ramification problem and other crucial issues on the research agenda.