August 3 |
Registration, Workshops and Tutorials |
Registration, Workshops and Tutorials |
August 4 |
Registration, Workshops and Tutorials |
Registration, Workshops and Tutorials |
August 5 |
Registration, Workshops and Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium |
Registration, Workshops and Tutorials |
Opening Ceremony and Reception |
August 6 |
Registration, IJCAI technical program (invited talks), Computer and Thought Award Lecture, Angry Birds AI Competition |
Registration, IJCAI technical program (papers, posters), IJCAI 2013 Distinguished Papers, ECCAI 2013 Dissertation Award, IJCAI-JAIR 2013 Best Paper, Best Papers in Sister Conferences Track, Angry Birds AI Competition |
August 7 |
Registration, IJCAI technical program (papers, posters), Best Papers in Sister Conferences Track, Journal Track, Angry Birds AI Competition |
Registration, IJCAI technical program (invited talks, papers, posters), Debate, Best Papers in Sister Conferences Track, Journal Track, Angry Birds AI Competition |
Banquet |
August 8 |
Registration, IJCAI technical program (invited talks, papers, posters), Robot Competition Award Ceremony, Video Competition Award Ceremony, Research Excellence Lecture, Angry Birds AI Competition, IJCAI Annual Business Meeting |
Registration, IJCAI technical program (papers, posters), Best Papers in Sister Conferences Track, Angry Birds AI Competition |
August 9 |
Registration, IJCAI technical program (papers, posters), Best Best Papers in Sister Conferences Track, Journal Track, Angry Birds AI Competition |
IJCAI technical program (invited talks), Panel, Angry Birds AI Competition Award Ceremony, Closing Event |