Modeling the Social Intelligence We Need
Cristiano Castelfranchi
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies. National Research Council, Rome, Italy
Talk supported by the European Network for Social Intelligence (
The current structure/mechanism of computing is "social", that's why we need modeling sociality in intelligence and behavior. First, computation is distributed and collective; based on communication, exchange, cooperation, among different intelligent entities: a multiplicity of competences and local data.
On the other side, computers mediate and support human cooperation, networking, and organization: could they really mediate among humans and intelligently support their social interactions and structures without any "understanding" of what is happening, of what their are working about, of the rules of their "games"? Even information and its relevance is socially based.
Third, the CH Interaction has to become more human like, accessible, supporting, and it will be intended in an much broader way: the interaction with smart environments or with robots cannot be a-social: they have to understand us (and vice versa) and be proactive.
Fourth, we need true emotional interactions, with their appropriate contents and mind-reading; not just faked affective responses. But sociality consists in what? What are its basic principles? And how should they be procedurally captured and modeled for "social artificial intelligences"? Which are the foundational cognitive and pragmatic representations ("mediators") necessary for social relations, institutions, and actions?
Why to cooperate and what cooperation is? What should motivate social actions? How do Power relations emerge from interaction? How do Norms work? How to build Trust and why? What is a Collective and how it works an Organization? How to rich agreements among divergent interests? What are the "contents" of social emotions and their function? Is society fully understood and intended by the interacting actors? Or there are complex emergent dynamics and structures only partially intended but systematically reproduced and reproducing the supporting behaviors and minds? Which is the correct relation between Social AI and theories and models provided by the Social Sciences?
Short bio
Born Roma, Italy 1944
Full Prof. of Cognitive Science, University of Siena (2001-2011)
Director of the Institute for Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council (2002-2011)
Prof. Psychology and Economics, LUISS Univ. Roma
Editorial Boards
EB member of Mind & Society (with K. Arrow, J. Elster, D. Sperber, A. Goldman, E. Shafir, P. Slovic, C. Camerer, A. Cicourel, J. McClelland, J. Fodor, J. Searle, K. Binmore, P. Hogarth), J. of Autonomous Agents and MAS (with J. Rosenschein, M. Wooldridge, C. Sierra), J. of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (with R. Axtell, N. Gilbert, R. Hegselmann)
  • Program Co-Chair of the first International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems 2002
  • General Co-Chair of 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Budapest
  • Chair of several Conferences and WS: MAAMAW, ATAL, Trust and Deception, AAAI ws, ...
  • Member of the directive board of Italian Association for AI AI*IA; responsible of the Agent interest group.
  • 2003: ECCAI (Eu. Coordination Comittee for Artificial Intelligence) fellow, for pioneering work in Artificial Intelligence.
  • 2007: Mind & Brain prize, Univ. of Turin (co-awarded with M. Tomasello), for pioneering the integration of psychology in cognitive science and breakthroughs on autonomous agents and their interactions.
  • Emeritus Member, Board of Directors of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS; 2002-present)
Invited speaker at many Conferences and WS in AI and Cognitive Science: IJCAI'97; AI&LAW; Artificial Economics; DEON; EuroCogSci2007; national AI conferences in Germany, France, Danmark, Portugal, Brazil, Spain, ..
More than 200 papers in journals, books, proceedings of international conferences
12 books with Italian publishers
7 books with international publishers:
  • Cognitive and Social Action (co-author R. Conte), UCL Press (Taylor& Francis), London, 1995. Artificial Social Systems, (co-editor E. Werner), Springer, LNAI, Berlin, 1994; From Reaction to Cognition (co-editor J.P.Muller), Springer, LNAI,Berlin, 1995; Trust and Deception in Virtual Societies (co-editor Y-H. Tan), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002
  • Intelligent Agents VII: Theories, Architectures, Languages (co-editor Y. Lesperance), Springer, LNAI, Berlin 2002
  • Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems '09 (co-editors Decker, K., Sichman, J., Sierra, C) Budapest, 2009
  • Trust Theory (co-author R. Falcone) John Wiley & Sons, UK, 2010.
Overall citation analysis (from PublishOrPerish, consulted on April 1, 2011)
412 contributions, 7582 citations (per year: 176), h-index=44, g-index=79