Journal track

IJCAI 2013 is having a track for presentations of research results that have been published in either the AI Journal or JAIR and have never been presented at any AI-related conference. The papers will be selected from those papers published in the AIJ journal or JAIR in 2011 and 2012. The authors of such papers will have the opportunity to present their work during the conference days and to publish an extended abstract of this work in the conference proceedings.

We believe this could be a very useful service to the community as well as the authors of such papers, who will have the opportunity to present their results to a broad AI audience and receive feedback in a highly interactive setting. To achieve this goal, the extended abstract as well as the presentation will be accessible to a general AI audience.

To do this, authors will need to:

  • Express your interest and confirm that the main results in your paper have not been presented at any AI-related conference (workshops don't count) by sending an email to Umberto Grandi ( by MARCH 25, 2013.
  • Submit an extended abstract (up to 4 pages + 1 page of references) in the IJCAI format by APRIL 3, 2013.
  • Receive our notification (the paper will be reviewed very lightly for format and accessibility checks) by APRIL 10, 2013.
  • Send the camera-ready copy by APRIL 23, 2013.
  • Present the paper during the conference days (August 6-9, 2013).
  • We are currently sending an invitation to all contact authors of papers that could eligible for this track.
    If you think you are eligible and have not been contacted, please contact the chair of this track (Umberto Grandi,